In partnership with National Geographic, content head for Asia’s largest immersive BIG BLUE exhibition tour, designed to further marine conservation, and biodiversity value, through greater understanding of the largest creature to ever inhabit the earth - one of the most intelligent mammals on earth for 18 million years, the Blue Whale, now endangered.

The multi-layered learning integration program, with lead partner Samsung, included scientific workshops, hands-on conservation and education activities, and deep-dive collaboration with academia institutions: advanced tech featured in the film-making, allows unprecedented access into the animal kingdom without human interference, making it a world first.

National Geographic multi-stakeholder partnership across local, regional & global interests, was created in alignment with MyCoralTriangle platform, which highlights critical issues in this globally-significant ecoregion, including sustainable consumption, turtle protection, illegal fishing, marine protected areas, and climate impact : local ambassadors and social media advocates featured in the long-term communication plans, prompts followers to virtually own a spot in the Coral Triangle to support marine conservation efforts across Asia Pacific.


project reGeneration